Friday, July 2, 2010

Welcome to

Hi everyone!
today for me is a very special day because this post is the last in this blog dedicated to the level 3 in English class. so my post is about my experience as a blogger, especially in this blog =)

When i started this subject i did not expected to create a blog (despite i already had a personal blog), but i did it anyways =) and this is the result.

i can say that i really enjoyed this writting experience because it was a very good way to practice my grammar, and keep the contact with other partners in this class, is fun to read what they think in differents aspects of life, in particular expressed in their blogs.
to me it was fun to write in english, but, not that easy... i like the language but still cost me a little the vocabulary or sometimes the grammar when i need to create sentences.
writting in this blog also helped me to improve my english, i can say my english was good before, but now is better thanks i practice writting and searching for new vocabulary, so to me is kind of sad to say goodbye to the fridays' posts in danyturbix's blog, but who knows... maybe i continue writting in this blog, its kinda funny =)

I recommended to everyone create a blog and see what happen with the tools that blogger offers to you, you can costumize your blog, put pictures in there, and also the videos you like.
i considerer an advantage the possibility to make a blog and write in it, but also you have to watch out with the different types of entertainment that intertet offers to all of us, sometimes you don't realize that time is over and you have not finished your post xD, it happened to me a couple of times and i said "damn! i shouldn't have watched this site for so long, now i won't finished the post" .

So keeping in mind this advices, i hope you can also create a blog and start to practice your english, because trust me, it works ;)

Take care !

see you soon, regards!


Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone, today i have a very difficult mission with writing in blogspot; i will write about one of my partners' blog, and i choose Antonieta's blog : "Gayatri".
This girl blog is very particular, and now for me is kind of fun to write this post while i'm listening radio horizonte and see all her entrances in the blog. i saw in one post of tecnology "i listen to radio horizonte", that was fun to read because i'm actually listening that radio.
The name of her blog was for a hindu goddess, i found it very interesting, because i would never think in a god or goddess to name my blog, also the girl write about mystical and religious things, so i can say that her blog is not superficial.
with the stuff i read i can notice that she's not a very tecnological person, but she is very creative, she has her own sewing machine and makes her own clothes, i was like that when i was younger (twelve/fifteen years old) i liked to be original and create my t-shirts and skirts, right now i only make wool scarves and little things.
The whole blog is mystic, and nice to read it but i miss the pictures, to me one topic must be follow by an image that tells me a piece of history aoout the topic, she write so well but need photos to make less heavy the appearance of it and to get more comments.
But apart from that, i recommend this blog, i hope you guys can visit it and share with her your thoughts and opinions about the post made =)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Cucusclan hi everyone! i hope you're well =)
today my post is about one of my favourite pictures taken in my life, and the name of it is "cucusclan"
This photograph was taken by my best friend in 2007, near from PUC's central house.
This picture shows a girl cover by a cardigan (i have to say that the girl in the photo is me XD)
asking for help to her boyfriend, who was laughing instead live the camera off and offer his help.
Santiago in 2007 is very different than now it is... for start we did not have "transantiago", so i think the people in the streets were more nice, or walked less gloomy (word learned today in class :D ) for the general streets.
You might question why does that picture likes me?
well... besides the image as itself... it reminds me the old times, when we were young and shinny people... when the only concerned was the PSU or pass all the subjects in classes... today the case is very different... i have a career to move on, have to find a job... have to pay my bills, etc.
so i think this picture shows a moment between yesterday and tomorrow, it might sounds a little weird but i think is the way it is.

also a motive whay i like this image is because its colors... B&W, i reaveled the roll with all my pictures taken, and it was very amazing to see how the things you took appears in front of you, in the paper you put in the water with "reaveled formula"

I'd like to see what's your favourite picture.
hope you like mine.

Byeees =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

the process of having original ideas...creativity

The video we watched is about the education and creativity, how today we take the creativity as something apart from the intelligence process, lika almost a disorder, but what Ken Robinson says in that video give a chance to think and revalue the ways that human creativity influes in intelligence since we're young.

He remakes some brilliant cases of greatest dancers or writers who when they were young to the most of people (teachers in their schools or even their parents for example) they had learning problems, but, what was really the big problem that had? they didn't belong to the "regular system" of education, because they needed to practice their original talent, also Robinson affirms that every kid born with innate talent but mean the time past they lost their gift 'cause the society, and the education system in the world doesn't considerate arts and human sociates sciences as an important factor in the human development.
He also mentionated in the "intelligence development" differents parts of the intelligence being the thinking process, the dynamism, explaining why the intelligence is connected to the creative process, because anytime we think, we make a mistake, we learn something, even when we have any idea we are making a creative process that contributes to de personal developments.

being wrong... the same of creative? Well, that's something interesting to mentionate, what do you think about this phrase?

Hope you enjoy this post.

See ya!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Parque juan XXIII, ñuñoa

23 More than a park... for me is great part of my life, allways present in my life, since my childhood until now, Juan XXIII finding in The commune of Ñuñoa, near from my house too, is a wonderful park full of histories, an priceless moments for people.

I go there when i need to be alone with myself, it might sound a little emo lol, but is a very quiet park then you can watch kids runnin' around the games, calling their parents to see them down in the slide, even some couples or teenagers that go to spend the time drinking beers, smoking something (i've seen cigarettes to even weed XD).'s a nice environment to walk in a spring afternoon.

I used to go there with my former best friend, we went to take some pictures, he was teaching me how to use my analogue camera ( a Zenit XP12, with a 50mm lens), explaining me the light condition, the diaphragm openness etc, i can say i learnt with him.

I think i've said almost everything about this park, because to say "ohhh is so green, it has so many trees, a playground, grass and grapevines" it's superfluous to me, we know almost every park in the world has these qualities, so i needed to mention the qualities that makes this park special for me.
I hope you can visit this park, and maybe you can tell me how was it =)
Bye everyone!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Robert Capa

Hi everyone, im sorry i'm late... but anyways today i will write about one of the most important photographer to me. Robert Capa.
Who is he? let's se a short biography. born Ernest Andrei Friedmann in Budapest. Capa was possibly the most famous war photographer of the 20th century. Robert Capa covered five different wars: the Spanish civil war, the Japanese invasion of China, World War II, London, North Africa, Italy, D-Day on Omaha Beach and the liberation of Paris are all history documented in part by Capa.

He wasn't a full-time job photographer, he started like only a part-time job in photography, but
His most famous work was done on June 6th, 1944 (D-Day Normandy Invasion) where he swam up on the beaches like all the other soldiers that day, but instead of being armed with a gun, he was armed with a camera. (very tipical from him, that's one of the motives he was called "Kamikaze Cappa").

Unfortunately cappa died by stepping in a landmine in
May 25, 1954 ending that way with the rest of his glorious career short.

Here yo have some of his work capturated during wars.

As we saw in the pictures, we can see the passion in the pictures that Capa transmit to us, besides the quality of the image (the kind of format also, B&W) giving us the chance to see "another side of the war".
That's basically why i admire so much him.

Regards to everyone =)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

NO todo es ARTE

When i say art... i think, what is really art, a piece of art, or maybe one type of it... honestly, i still can't figure it out, i just can say that, for me, almost everything is art in my life, and today i'm gonna talk about some of my favourites bands/artists . =)

I will start with "Lacuna Coil"
is an Italian metal band from Milan formed in 1994. for composing midtempo songs consisting of prominent guitar lines and contrasting dual female( Cristina scabbia)/male vocal harmonies to help create a melodic, detached sound.
Actually this band have 5 studio albums being "The shallow life" the last one recorded in 2009.

There you have one video i like, one of my favourites join to Whitin me.

Other band completely diferent from LC is "Red hot Chili peppers", are an American rock band formed in LA, California, in 1983. The band's current line-up is Anthony kiedes(vocals),Flea (bass), Chad Smith (drums) and Josh klinghoffer(guitar). Their musical style has fused traditional Funk with elements of other genres including hip-hop, punk-rock and Phsychedelic Rock.
They were in Chile in 2002 (i think, i cannot remember exactly), i like their music since i was a little girl, but now that i'm older i can enjoy all of their songs and videos, and of course understand it.

Why are these bands special for me?
They're both make me feel so good, make me sing and why not sometimes scream a little in my room (wait a minute, that sounds a little creep, lol).



Friday, April 23, 2010

Trouble to learn English?

Hi everyone... today in class we saw a very fascinating website to learn a little more of English, this website was the "BBC Learning English".

Will you ask yourself, what kind of things can i find in this site? well, we got so many answers for you! you're invited to see some of the many activities that this website got for everyone.
And we're going to start with the "Grammar vocabulary and pronuntiation" part :

Here you can increase your vocabulary, also you can practice your pronunciation reading and listening the reports posted in this website section. There is also a second part (see right image) then you can Check the words and practice "how to say, to pronounce and meaning".

Beat the Keeper: This game is all about new words and expressions in English.

the aim of this game is to score as many points as possible in two minutes.

To kick the ball, click your mouse to the part of the ball you want to kick. you will score the points if the ball enter in the right corner (corner that is also the right answer).

You can measure the speed of the ball clicking on your mouse.

Don't you wanna play these games? you can Watch a mini-serie called "The Flatmates"

Is a serie about 5 friends with different personalities, every episode is a new question for you. You can watch the continue history o the answer to the final question on the next episode.

Every week you can watch a new episode, and learn more about this five friends.
I hope you enjoy and be able to learn a bit more with this page because as the teacher said "BBC's website rocks" .
See ya!

Friday, April 9, 2010


well... i really don't like so much to talk or write about myself, but i'm going to make my best so... let's start with something 'bout me =)

My name is Daniela Torres, i'm 20 years Old and i'm in 3rd semester in Theory and history of art in Universidad de Chile.
I live with my "disfunctional" family (love them anyways) and my cute little dog called "chicken" (it's a poddle toy dog, a very very small and annoying dog), already i'm the only one who's studying in University but by the end of this year i hope my middle brother, Gonzalo, can start to assist to the University just like me, it would be fun to have a brother who i can share School experiences.

I expect to learn in this semester so much things, from improve my marks in School to grown up as a better person. =)

Best regards :B