Friday, May 14, 2010

Parque juan XXIII, ñuñoa

23 More than a park... for me is great part of my life, allways present in my life, since my childhood until now, Juan XXIII finding in The commune of Ñuñoa, near from my house too, is a wonderful park full of histories, an priceless moments for people.

I go there when i need to be alone with myself, it might sound a little emo lol, but is a very quiet park then you can watch kids runnin' around the games, calling their parents to see them down in the slide, even some couples or teenagers that go to spend the time drinking beers, smoking something (i've seen cigarettes to even weed XD).'s a nice environment to walk in a spring afternoon.

I used to go there with my former best friend, we went to take some pictures, he was teaching me how to use my analogue camera ( a Zenit XP12, with a 50mm lens), explaining me the light condition, the diaphragm openness etc, i can say i learnt with him.

I think i've said almost everything about this park, because to say "ohhh is so green, it has so many trees, a playground, grass and grapevines" it's superfluous to me, we know almost every park in the world has these qualities, so i needed to mention the qualities that makes this park special for me.
I hope you can visit this park, and maybe you can tell me how was it =)
Bye everyone!


  1. I don't know that park, but sounds nice.
    I loved Zenit cameras, are so cheapers and easy to use. I have a 122 and is great.

    The fisr photo of the post is interesting, how you took it? with a digital camera o analogic?

  2. Dany, that park is so beautiful! I have so many special memories, my first love for example...
    Well, somethings that never will be forgotten, I hope.
    Ah! Your pictures, are amazing! Your a great photographer!
