Friday, June 4, 2010

the process of having original ideas...creativity

The video we watched is about the education and creativity, how today we take the creativity as something apart from the intelligence process, lika almost a disorder, but what Ken Robinson says in that video give a chance to think and revalue the ways that human creativity influes in intelligence since we're young.

He remakes some brilliant cases of greatest dancers or writers who when they were young to the most of people (teachers in their schools or even their parents for example) they had learning problems, but, what was really the big problem that had? they didn't belong to the "regular system" of education, because they needed to practice their original talent, also Robinson affirms that every kid born with innate talent but mean the time past they lost their gift 'cause the society, and the education system in the world doesn't considerate arts and human sociates sciences as an important factor in the human development.
He also mentionated in the "intelligence development" differents parts of the intelligence being the thinking process, the dynamism, explaining why the intelligence is connected to the creative process, because anytime we think, we make a mistake, we learn something, even when we have any idea we are making a creative process that contributes to de personal developments.

being wrong... the same of creative? Well, that's something interesting to mentionate, what do you think about this phrase?

Hope you enjoy this post.

See ya!


  1. this video remember me when I said "I study theory and history of art" and the people think "and what you do in the future?"

    it's true that the society think that art and human sociates are the unimportant :(

    bye my dear dani!

  2. You're so cool! I love the things you post. Your blog is original and innovator! Bart is very cool. I think you're still a little artist!

  3. That horrible think that we guide for the sistem that to adapt our lifes for its benefits.
