Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone, today i have a very difficult mission with writing in blogspot; i will write about one of my partners' blog, and i choose Antonieta's blog : "Gayatri".
This girl blog is very particular, and now for me is kind of fun to write this post while i'm listening radio horizonte and see all her entrances in the blog. i saw in one post of tecnology "i listen to radio horizonte", that was fun to read because i'm actually listening that radio.
The name of her blog was for a hindu goddess, i found it very interesting, because i would never think in a god or goddess to name my blog, also the girl write about mystical and religious things, so i can say that her blog is not superficial.
with the stuff i read i can notice that she's not a very tecnological person, but she is very creative, she has her own sewing machine and makes her own clothes, i was like that when i was younger (twelve/fifteen years old) i liked to be original and create my t-shirts and skirts, right now i only make wool scarves and little things.
The whole blog is mystic, and nice to read it but i miss the pictures, to me one topic must be follow by an image that tells me a piece of history aoout the topic, she write so well but need photos to make less heavy the appearance of it and to get more comments.
But apart from that, i recommend this blog, i hope you guys can visit it and share with her your thoughts and opinions about the post made =)


  1. Yes, The María Antonieta`s Blog is very particular .. She and her style hindu.
    I lke the templete of your blog.. it is nice.. :D

  2. I like the Antonieta's blog too, the things about hindu religious are very interesting.

    Regards, Daniela :)

  3. I visit her web site to! and is interesting because is different her ponit of view. And I don't know that she make her own clothes :)

    now I understand why i listen music in low volume jaja

    kisses my dear dani!

  4. I like very much the name of the María Antonieta's blog, is cool.
    I have look at your sliding pictures Dani, you are the best on costumize blogs ;)
