Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone, today i have a very difficult mission with writing in blogspot; i will write about one of my partners' blog, and i choose Antonieta's blog : "Gayatri".
This girl blog is very particular, and now for me is kind of fun to write this post while i'm listening radio horizonte and see all her entrances in the blog. i saw in one post of tecnology "i listen to radio horizonte", that was fun to read because i'm actually listening that radio.
The name of her blog was for a hindu goddess, i found it very interesting, because i would never think in a god or goddess to name my blog, also the girl write about mystical and religious things, so i can say that her blog is not superficial.
with the stuff i read i can notice that she's not a very tecnological person, but she is very creative, she has her own sewing machine and makes her own clothes, i was like that when i was younger (twelve/fifteen years old) i liked to be original and create my t-shirts and skirts, right now i only make wool scarves and little things.
The whole blog is mystic, and nice to read it but i miss the pictures, to me one topic must be follow by an image that tells me a piece of history aoout the topic, she write so well but need photos to make less heavy the appearance of it and to get more comments.
But apart from that, i recommend this blog, i hope you guys can visit it and share with her your thoughts and opinions about the post made =)

Friday, June 11, 2010


Cucusclan hi everyone! i hope you're well =)
today my post is about one of my favourite pictures taken in my life, and the name of it is "cucusclan"
This photograph was taken by my best friend in 2007, near from PUC's central house.
This picture shows a girl cover by a cardigan (i have to say that the girl in the photo is me XD)
asking for help to her boyfriend, who was laughing instead live the camera off and offer his help.
Santiago in 2007 is very different than now it is... for start we did not have "transantiago", so i think the people in the streets were more nice, or walked less gloomy (word learned today in class :D ) for the general streets.
You might question why does that picture likes me?
well... besides the image as itself... it reminds me the old times, when we were young and shinny people... when the only concerned was the PSU or pass all the subjects in classes... today the case is very different... i have a career to move on, have to find a job... have to pay my bills, etc.
so i think this picture shows a moment between yesterday and tomorrow, it might sounds a little weird but i think is the way it is.

also a motive whay i like this image is because its colors... B&W, i reaveled the roll with all my pictures taken, and it was very amazing to see how the things you took appears in front of you, in the paper you put in the water with "reaveled formula"

I'd like to see what's your favourite picture.
hope you like mine.

Byeees =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

the process of having original ideas...creativity

The video we watched is about the education and creativity, how today we take the creativity as something apart from the intelligence process, lika almost a disorder, but what Ken Robinson says in that video give a chance to think and revalue the ways that human creativity influes in intelligence since we're young.

He remakes some brilliant cases of greatest dancers or writers who when they were young to the most of people (teachers in their schools or even their parents for example) they had learning problems, but, what was really the big problem that had? they didn't belong to the "regular system" of education, because they needed to practice their original talent, also Robinson affirms that every kid born with innate talent but mean the time past they lost their gift 'cause the society, and the education system in the world doesn't considerate arts and human sociates sciences as an important factor in the human development.
He also mentionated in the "intelligence development" differents parts of the intelligence being the thinking process, the dynamism, explaining why the intelligence is connected to the creative process, because anytime we think, we make a mistake, we learn something, even when we have any idea we are making a creative process that contributes to de personal developments.

being wrong... the same of creative? Well, that's something interesting to mentionate, what do you think about this phrase?

Hope you enjoy this post.

See ya!